
Missed you guys :)

I haven't been here for a while, but i haven't forgotten about you guys. I will be back and posting next week :) In the meantime check out my other blog @ http://www.mommyandthesixofus.com/



So funny!


"Anne Romney never worked a day in her life"

A few weeks ago a firestorm erupted when political consultant Hillary Rosen made the comment that "Anne Romney never worked a day in her life".  I am a working mother with six children and I agree with this article.

Please read this article by Vivia Chen and tell me what you think http://thecareerist.typepad.com/thecareerist/2012/04/mommy-wars.html



It is 2:05 am on Monday, April 23rd, 2012. George Zimmerman was released on $150,000 bail about two hours ago. He is charged in the shooting death of seventeen year old Travon Martin. In a hearing on Friday Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester told Mr Zimmerman that he would have to observe a  7 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew and he could not have any guns, whatever that means. Ten percent out of the $150,000 bail was required for Mr. Zimmerman's release. He also had to surrender his passport.  In my opinion this is not enough punishment for what George Zimmerman did. He murdered someone. Mr Zimmerman's bail should have been set much higher than $150,000.  Better yet, he should have not received bail at all! I think he is going to jump bail. He is a flight risk, if you ask me.


This is the way Mitt Romney feels about women and planned parenthood. Talk about out of touch. If his wife or his daughters relied on their healthcare services thru this agency, would he be so callous and dismissive?

Our President is someone who actually understands the needs of regular American folks, not this rich guy, who never had to  worry about money in his whole life!


     Today George Zimmerman's bail was set at $150, 000. During the trial Mr. Zimmerman  offered an apology to Travon Martin's parents.

 In George Zimmerman's words: I wanted to say, I am sorry for the loss of your son. I did not know how old he was. I thought he was a little bit younger than I am. I did not know if he was armed or not.”  

       I could not imagine hearing these words after  my son was so callously shoot and killed. It seems that if the Martins had not fought for justice for their son, George Zimmerman would not have felt he was at fault. That is a crying shame! You killed a human being; a teenage child. Didn't you think that someone might have loved and cared about that person? Didn’t you think that this was wrong?  Is George Zimmerman even human? He not only murdered an innocent child, but he had no clue that he was accountable for it, until someone else told him he was. Please throw the book at him.


           I am a huge fan of our first lady Michelle Obama. It is true that we both have the same color of skin, but my adoration for Mrs. Obama goes beyond that. I am a woman who has made a lot of bad choices in my life, but I never believed in settling for less. I always held this strength within in me, that whatever I was going through in life, I would make it through it. Now I look at our first lady and I see that woman I want to be, that women I will be ten years from now.  Mrs. Obama is an outstanding example of how we as women should be in my opinion. Of course she is not perfect and none of us are, but it is what we do through hard times that mold us into the characters that we will be. I never had a good role model growing up as a child. I always wanted one. I needed one. I was surrounded by women who understood nothing about who I was or who I wanted to be. Having three daughters of my own I want nothing but the very best for them; a good Christian education, a good home and I want them to be happy, good human beings. First Lady Obama is the example I didn't have as a child, but my girls and I have now. I am humbled, thankful and proud to call this exceptional woman First lady!  
